Every visit is different. Barnegat Bay was calm in the morning. Initially the only signs of wildlife were three men who were snorkeling in the frigid water. The action was at the end of the jetty where long-tailed ducks were abundant and a few harlequin ducks hovered near the rocks. Though the afternoon was warmer, the wind arrived and so did the photographers and birders.
I ended the day at the Edwin B Forsythe NWR. Of note was a tundra swan and a brown headed swan, which I first thought must be a rare bird. On closer look it is probably an immature mute swan whose head and neck has been in the mud.
Photos include People on the Jetty, an Atlantic Brant, (showing the amazing colors of the water near the jetty), a Long-tailed Duck, a Bleating Gull, and the Brown-headed swan.